
2024 US Basic Income Week

Join us for the 6th Annual Basic Income Week of Action, set for the week of September 16th. We need a basic income, let's spread the word and grow the movement!
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why we Act

We are the economy.

The global pandemic made the economic inequities of our society even more transparent and reminded us that in our current economic system, everyone has the potential of living in precarity. While ordinary families struggle to pay for their essential needs, the richest have grown their wealth. We can and must design a system that works for everyone.

Join us the week of September 16th, 2024 as we bring our communities together for the 6th Annual Basic Income Week of Action. This year, we want to lean into education and leverage the powerful tools for narrative and culture change we have been building  together across the movement!  Let's start conversations, change hearts and minds, and connect everyday people to why we need a basic income.

Income Movement
New York City

March for Our Future

Join a people powered movement to ensure nobody is left behind

We're on the brink of massive economic upheaval already leaving millions of Americans behind. The system is excluding us.

Universal Basic Income is a means to a healthier, more innovative, and just society. $1,000 per month for every adult in America.

March with us! We owe us.

See our Speakers

Join us in your city!

Be part of the worldwide movement demanding basic income as the future of our economy.

Our economy is leaving millions behind. Join the people powered movement to send the message that our society and economy needs to evolve to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

The NYC Basic Income March will begin in Harlem and finish in the South Bronx. We will march with and hear from leaders including the Andy Stern, Congressional Candidate James Felton Keith, and Hawk Newsome, Chairman of Black Lives Matter.

There are also 27 other marches happening around the world. Join us or start your own!

Get involved. Get inspired. Together, we can make historic change.

See our Speakers

Event Sponsors

The Gerald Huff Fund for Humanity and Income Movement are supplying the critical resources necessary for the success of the 6th Annual Basic Income Week. Both organizations believe that activists, pilot administrators, artists and other organizers must have deep and meaningful support in order to engage local communities. Thank you sponsors!

Our False Narrative Focus

For the 6th Annual Basic Income Week, our community is coming together to learn, share and dig into the narrative change necessary to get a majority in our country behind the idea of basic income! This year, we’ll dig into the false narrative that we live in a Meritocracy.  We’re also using this year’s event to boost the movement’s sign-on letter to congress to ask them to support basic income as a means to building a more equitable, sustainable, and just society! If you haven’t yet, you can sign here!

We live in a meritocracy.

This false narrative build on  the idea that our systems are built on a level playing field. It assumes people’s wealth / position of power is directly tied to their work output and value. Thus, if you are poor, you aren’t working hard enough. If you are rich, you earned it and worked harder than others.

The broader basic income movement voted this as the top false narrative that we hit up against when having conversations about basic income with new community members. So often the blame for poverty and the experiences of those living from paycheck to paycheck is placed on the individuals experiencing this reality - that they aren't working hard enough, or they are making poor choices - rather than our systems. Over the past several decades, costs for housing, healthcare and education have skyrocketed while at the same time wages have stagnated and the wealth gap has grown significantly. It's time to flip this narrative and get more people thinking about systems change and the importance of basic income!  

In spring 2020, a global pandemic sent the city of Chelsea, Massachusetts, spiraling into chaos. City leaders, overwhelmed by the high costs of feeding a city and humbled by their own lack of expertise to do so efficiently, came together in a desperate moment with a simple but inspired idea: give people money and let them spend it however they see fit. RAISING THE FLOOR is a moving narrative of the beginning of CHELSEA EATS, the largest basic income pilot in American history: one that gave 2000 individuals and families direct payments of up to $400 a month with no strings attached.
(30 minute running time)

Income Movement founder Stacey Rutland sat down with some very special guests as a part of our virtual Fireside Chat Series for the 2021 Week of Basic Income. These were 20-minute, one-on-one conversations with key leaders in policy, grassroots organizing, coalition building, and thought leadership.

Organizers are foundational to the basic income march. In 2021, they collaborated to put together a video promotion for the march. Listen to this official invitation from our event organizers to get inspired and excited for the 2022 March!

Income Movement organizes and sponsors the Basic Income Week of Action in the US, as well as many other events and grassroots actions.
Help us build the movement for basic income.

Highlights from past events

Nashville Basic Income Festival

Cities across the globe

// 2019
Convent Baptist Church
420 W 145th St.
New York, NY 10031

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